Esib Power and Doonaveeragh O One, or Tommy as he is affectionately known have been a formidable combination for several years. We recently caught up with Esib and Tommy, the eventer turned 5* showjumper.

What age is Tommy?


How long have you had him?

15 years bought him as a 5 yr old.

How did you come to ride him?

Bewleys hotels at the time supported me and bought him as a potential top event horse.

What’s his favourite treat?

BANANAS loves his bananas

Biggest win?

He has had so many wonderful wins and in many different types of classes but his 5* win at Dublin horse show was possibly the most special.

Best memory?

His rounds in the Hickstead Derby are extremely special as it is something I never dreamt I’d get to do.

Describe Tommy in 3 words?

Simply The Best

What can’t Tommy live without?

Loves his Treats

What does he prefer – Field or stable?

He comes in from the field as excited as he goes out so happy either way.

What does he prefer – Mix or Cube?

As long as it’s Red Mills he’s happy.

What does he prefer – Rug or no rug?

Depends on the weather, In Ireland that usually involves a rug but not as I write this

Tell us something we don’t know about him?

Strangers won’t have a chance of getting a bridle on Tommy. He is very weary of new people so you have to take your time and earn his trust.

What makes him so special?

His heart. He has the best heart and his enthusiasm for life is his best quality.

What’s his favourite conditions – sand or grass?

Grass all day long, Big, beautiful grass arenas is his favourite place such as Hickstead & The RDS.

Favourite show?

I think he has done everything at Hickstead and all very successfully so would have to say that, we only got to do one Dublin but it was amazing.

Your favourite thing about him?

Everything quirks and all ❤️❤️

Esib Power and Doonaveeragh O One