Nicholas Connors lives only a mile down the road from Dungarvan show and put up a fantastic performance to win on home soil last weekend.

It was Nicholas’ first time winning a RED MILLS Munster Grand Prix making it a very special family occasion considering his grandfather is president of Dungarvan Show Society and numerous family members were cheering on.

7 clears progressed to the jump-off including Paddy O’ Donnell with two, Francis Connors who posted the first clear to put pressure on the riders coming behind him as well as Nicholas who also had two horses through.

Course designer Tom Holden paying his first visit to Dungarvan, put a full up 1.35 course in front of the riders. It proved a fantastic course on near perfect ground.

1st Nicholas Connors – Lantino 31
2nd Francis Connors – Capital Cruis
3rd Paddy O Donnell – Minority Report

The next day saw the RED MILLS Munster Grand Prix roll on to Maryville which proved to be another hotly contested competition.

League leader Francis Connors and HVL Consun were in action attempting to extend their lead at the top of the RED MILLS Munster Grand Prix table.

It proved a successful trip to Maryville for Francis who was just pipped to the post by fellow RED MILLS rider Ger O’ Neill who took victory aboard Dondoctro Royal K after delivering and impressively precise performance.

1st Ger O Neill – Dondoctro Royal K
2nd Francis Connors – HVL Consun
3rd Maura Counihan – Killerisk Minnie

Things are definitely hotting up at the top of the table with several of the top 8 picking up points over the last few legs.

Position Rider/Horse Total Points
1 Francis Connors/HVL Consun 38
2 Sven Hadley/Surmas Taloubet 27
3 David Moran/Derg Showtime 27
4 Paddy O’Donnell/Minority Report 23
5 Francis Connors/Clarabelle 20
6 Martin O’Meara/Kennys Flight 19
7 Timmy Doyle/JC Bucks 16
8 Sven Hadley/Ganorad 15

The next leg of the RED MILLS Munster Grand Prix takes place in Dualla on the 26th August

#SeeYouThere #REDMILLSMunsterGP