Building Topline on a Fussy Eater

“I have a fussy and very laid back 17hh dressage horse in moderate work that absolutely loves your Cool ‘N’ Cooked Mix, but I would like him to build more condition and improve his topline.

He is currently on ad lib haylage and twice a day gets 1 bowl of Cool ‘N’ Cooked Mix and half a bowl of your Racehorse Cubes in each feed for extra energy. Is there a more suitable feed for him? He can be very fussy and seems to prefer mix.”


Connolly’s RED MILLS Conditioning Mix

As your dressage horse can be a bit of a fussy eater and also needs some extra condition and topline we recommend you consider gradually changing to our Conditioning Mix. This highly palatable muesli has similar ingredients to the Cool ‘N’ Cooked Mix so he will enjoy it just as much! However, Conditioning Mix is higher in calories and protein so it will help him gain weight and build that lovely topline you are looking for.  

The top 3 ingredients in Conditioning Mix are barley, maize, and wheat, all of which provide fast-release energy, so they will help to give your horse a bit more sparkle and extra presence in the dressage ring. To start with, we recommend gradually replacing both the Cool ‘N’ Cooked Mix and Racehorses Cubes with the same amount of Conditioning Mix. Do bear in mind that a bowl of cubes tends to be heavier than a mix, so it’s always a good idea to weigh your feeds to ensure that you are replacing like for like.  You should expect to see an improvement in condition within 2-3 weeks.  However, depending on his progress and workload, you may then need to introduce an extra bowl at lunchtime or as a late evening feed if you feel he still needs a little more. 


Foran Equine Supplements

I would also recommend providing him with some supplementary electrolytes, particularly on days when he is working hard. Dehydration can cause problems such as delayed recovery post-exercise or an increased onset of fatigue. Foran Equine Equi-Lyte G is an excellent electrolyte with added Vitamin C and E to help support recovery. It is important to ensure that following electrolyte supplementation your horse has access to fresh water to ensure optimal rehydration.  

Another supplement you may find beneficial for your horse is Foran Equine Muscle Prep. This is a hydrolysed protein supplement formulated specifically to help optimise muscle development and topline. It also contains added B-Vitamin, which will help to stimulate your horse’s appetite, plus Vitamin E to support muscle function and recovery.  


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